Love beyond the Label
All the recent coverage of the election in America has got me thinking...are we only ever reduced to a label? Republican, Democrat, Gay, Straight...? How often do we judge or make judgements based on someone's clothes or status or the car they drive? The outcry from some people in America about the re-election of Obama has left me bewildered. I am genuinely shocked that so many of them, some people I respect and thought I shared values with, have vehemently rejected him as President of their country. Being British one might say it's not our right to comment on American politics but it actually has a huge impact on the rest of the world. And to the rest of the world Obama comes across as an inspiring leader, great orator and genuinely nice man. But it seems that some people just see the label 'Democrat'. I am most shocked by Christians who refuse to look beyond this label. I know that many of his policies appear liberal and of course polici...