From Mother to Daughter

This year Mother’s Day got me thinking a bit more about where we all find our identity. For many women out there the day can bring up really hard emotions; sometimes of loss, grief, disappointment or longing. It made me wonder how a day can evoke such a deep emotional response within us. I know many different kinds of amazing women; those who are mothers of living children, those whose children are in heaven, those who’ve chosen not to have children, those who invest in children who are not biologically their own, and those who live with sadness at not being able to have their own children. And I realised that in all of those distinctions, in all our difference there is one fundamental thing that we have in common. That is, we are all daughters first. All of these women, represent many different stories, but all share the fact that they are daughters. Of course we need to be considerate of difference, and respectful of the emotions that come with each story. I’m a huge advocate...