
Showing posts from February, 2012

Return on Investment

“The economy depends about as much on economists as the weather does on weather forecasters.”   -Jean-Paul Kauffmann This may be so, but it has never been less true than of parents and children.  Children are a product of parenting, whether it is positive or negative. I’m no economist but I would expect to be studying the markets, taking time and researching big decisions before making an investment in anything.  So why is it that as a parent so many of my decisions are based on split second thinking and heat of the moment reactions?  Because I’m dealing with another human being; not stocks and shares or wind and rain.  All are unpredictable, but the impact of a parent on their child has far greater influence, lasting for life not a financial quarter or a season. I’m convinced, though, that the more I know and understand my daughter, and the more she knows and understands me the less frequent emotional decisions become.  I am lucky to spend the maj...

Be My Valentine

I'm not a huge fan of Valentine's Day.  It's over-commercialised and, cynically, an opportunity for greedy businesses to further line their pockets by convicning the general public that a mini cupcake in the shape of a heart is an essential purchase.  In fact, the histoy behing the day is the same as other patron saints; to remember the martyrdom of early christians...not really what the card shops would have us believe since they wouldn't make much money from that kind of marketing. However, the act of showing someone you care for them is often overlooked, whether it be romatically, honouring friendships or simply smiling at a stranger.  And as cliches go this is something that we should remind ourselves of more than once a year.  Lately, I've been trying to build people up and live life so that God's heart is obvious to those around me.  I'm not successful every day, and often those closest to me I fail the most, but with more effort and a huge amount ...