Don't speak ill of the dead
What a bizarre phrase that is banded about sometimes when people are talking disrespectfully about those who are no longer with us on earth. Although it’s often the case, at funerals especially, that the departed are remembered with love and affection by those who knew and loved them. Having been to a funeral recently it got me thinking. Why are some of the loveliest things that are said about us spoken when we aren’t even there? Surely it’s not right that we wait until a loved one leaves us to say kind things, make positive observations or offer words of encouragement. I wonder if it’s that we’re all just a bit too British. But actually it’s not even about our own emotions, it’s just expressing an observation about someone in a positive way. Why are we afraid to do this on a regular basis? Why are these kind words saved for a special birthday card, or wedding day speeches? Perhaps it’s because we are shy, or fear the compliment won...